We didn't spend any time Sunday discussing the performance of quarterback Aaron Rodgers in the Green Bay Packers' 27-20 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles. As you know, we have a rule against painting Rodgers in anything but a Hall of football jerseys
Fame light on this blog.
Seriously, Rodgers was, in his own word, "terrible" after throwing two interceptions and seeming off-target for much of the game. By my count, it was only the fifth game in Rodgers' career in which he hasn't thrown more touchdown passes than interceptions. According to ESPN's Stats & Information, it was also a surprising breakaway from Rodgers' typical grace under pressure.
As we noted last week, Rodgers had the NFL's Minnesota Vikings jersey
best passer rating against added pressure last season. But the Eagles' pressure clearly got to him Sunday. Both of his interceptions came against the blitz, and the chart accompanying the post illustrates his performance against standard and added pressure.
"It was as bad as I can Dallas Cowboys jersey
play," Rodgers said. "I've got to be better. I missed a lot of throws. ... I personally made too many dumb mistakes."